#377  User/group dashboard
Robin Shen opened 3 years ago

This way user/group can customize OneDev landing page

OneDev referenced from other issue 3 years ago
Robin Shen batch edited 2 years ago
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Robin Shen batch edited 2 years ago
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Artur commented 2 years ago

Is it planned to be available soon? We would like to deploy OneDev instance and open it to the public. It would be necessary for us to put some branding on the OneDev installation, so users know they are coming to service which belongs to our company, not some random installation on the internet.

Robin Shen commented 2 years ago

I plan to work on this in OneDev 8. Should be available before end of this year.

Robin Shen added to milestone "8.0.0" 2 years ago
Robin Shen added to milestone "8.0.0" 2 years ago
Robin Shen removed from milestone "7.3.0" 2 years ago
Robin Shen referenced from other issue 2 years ago
Noam Siegel commented 2 years ago

Hello @robin,

Not sure if this is the right place to post, but I can't add a new user to my project under "User Administration". Instead, it went straight to create a new user page, even though this user already has an account through OneDev.

Thanks in advance, Noam

Robin Shen commented 2 years ago

To add a user to a project, select the user and then switch to authorized projects tab to authorize the project, like below:


You may also do this at project side by switching to project menu settings/authorizations

Noam Siegel commented 2 years ago

@robin Thanks so much! Another small aside, we cannot find a way to delete an account. Where can I find the docs on that?

Robin Shen commented 2 years ago

To remove an account from accessing a project, just remove the authorization entry from above screenshot. Or if you mean to delete the user from system, switch to view profile of the user, and then delete it at bottom right of the page.

Noam Siegel commented 2 years ago

I see what you mean, and the problem was a bit different!

I am running onedev on a local server (http://localhost:6610) so any users I add locally are not able to see the changes themselves. What's the best way to push/sync these changes to other users?

And btw, I love the OneDev setup! I'm thinking of adding more documentation to solve common issues like these, so hopefully, you'll see a pull request from my end in the coming weeks :)

(and thanks for the fast replies, they are very appreciated)

Robin Shen commented 2 years ago

What do you mean by push changes to other users?

This project is initially created to solve our internal needs, and documentation is definitely a drawback. Glad to see someone is willing to contribute, 😃

Noam Siegel commented 2 years ago

image.png I added a user (charlie) to OneDev--which made me create an account for him upon trying--and gave him the "Project Owner" role.

But, when he signs into his account, he doesn't see the Projects that I have given him roles in. We tried creating multiple accounts with different emails and logins, but the problem is the same: He can't see his accessible projects.

In other words, I can see the permissions he has on my side when I log into his account, but not when he does the same on his side.

You can also see the difference between my user profile here and the user profile I am using on the local host. I updated my profile pictures locally--with the same account--but the changes haven't been made here. Any ideas?

As for documentation, always happy to help. It is a personal hobby of mine. We can talk more about it after I better understand OneDev's basics!

Robin Shen commented 2 years ago

I guess the user has a default project query excluding that project. For instance, I created a query children of "onedev" and make it default for all users on this OneDev instance:


Robin Shen commented 2 years ago

To list all projects the user can access, just clear the query. Or you can customize the default query from saved queries below (the first query will be the default one).

Noam Siegel commented 2 years ago

Had him clear the queries to get to this page: image_2.png Not sure what the issue is, but we'll keep trying!

Robin Shen commented 2 years ago

This seems odd. You may create a test instance to demonstrate the issue, and send me the database backup (Administration / Maintenance / Database Backup) for diagnostics.

Robin Shen commented 2 years ago

Or you can restart OneDev to see if it solves the issue. I recently cached user authorizations to improve permission check performance, and it may create some bugs.

Noam Siegel commented 2 years ago

The cache doesn't seem to be the problem, as we created a new OneDev container and still have the same issue: Unable to log in with the newly created accounts.

For your internal work, do all your OneDev accounts run locally? We are thinking that it's an issue of us creating new accounts locally, and because of that, users outside of the local OneDev are unable to see changes.

For more information, here is my backup.zip: backup.zip

Robin Shen commented 2 years ago

Just restored your database. I see you are authorizing user charlie to own project Appendia. I login with account charlie and this is what I've seen:


Seems everything is working fine.

PS: for our internal work, we are logging with LDAP accounts, but local accounts should not make any difference.

Noam Siegel commented 2 years ago

Did you log in through onedev.io or through your local host? Whenever Charlie tries to log in online or locally, he gets an "unknown user name" error, even though it does work on my side locally (but not online).

Is it possible for us to get on a quick call? You can click here to schedule a call whenever works for you. It would be much appreciated!

Robin Shen commented 2 years ago

Sorry I can not provide support via call due to limited resource and time. I am testing locally. Please note that onedev.io is not assumed to host your serious projects, it is only used to develop OneDev itself and also serve as a demo site.

Robin Shen commented 2 years ago

I am not sure what you mean by online here.

Robin Shen referenced from other issue 2 years ago
Jory de Kort referenced from other issue 2 years ago
Robin Shen removed from milestone "8.0.0" 2 years ago
Robin Shen batch edited 8 months ago
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Enterprise Edition
OneDev changed state to 'Closed' 8 months ago
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OneDev commented 8 months ago

State changed as code fixing the issue is committed (300388b5)

Referenced from commit 8 months ago
Add EE module
feat: high availability and scalability (#290)
feat: user/group dashboard (#377)
feat: cross project code search (#1509)
feat: web terminal to access running jobs (#1511)
feat: able to use separate storage for Git LFS and build artifacts (#1510)
Robin Shen committed 8 months ago
OneDev changed state to 'Released' 8 months ago
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OneDev commented 8 months ago

State changed as build #4010 is successful

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