Snippets (OD-996)
Jerome St-Louis opened 2 years ago

Snippets (or Gists as GitHub calls them) associated with projects are a key feature that is missing from OneDev that would be extremely useful. It could be as simple as a one time pastebin (ideally with syntax highlighting), or ideally would support versioning with git.

Thank you!

Andrew Lalis commented 2 years ago

As far as I know in GitHub, gists are in a completely separate domain. You mention "associated with projects", and that's probably the easiest way to do things with the OneDev architecture, since that's how pretty much all user-generated content is managed.

I suppose it could be added alongside the issues and code capabilities that are already toggle-able for projects?

Either way, I would also appreciate having a feature like this, possibly with the ability to mark certain snippets to allow anonymous access.

Jerome St-Louis commented 2 years ago

Thanks for the feedback @andrewlalis . You're right gists in GitHub are in a separate domain, but GitLab snippets are associated with a particular project as you are suggesting. Agreed it makes sense to mark certain ones to allow anonymous access.

Referenced from other issue 1 year ago
Cody Robinson commented 1 week ago

Hi @andrewlalis @jerstlouis

I have come up with a feature plan below. Let me know if you would like anything else added to this feature request:

  •  Boolean toggle of "Snippets" on a per-project basis
  •  Add permissions to allow snippet read/write access
  •  Allow snippets to be anonymously read
  •  Snippets will use the same syntax highlighter currently in OneDev
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