Make issue state able to transit to all other states by default (OD-841)
Robin Shen opened 2 years ago

If I may suggest, I would keep the button transition labeled as such, as it certainly has its uses, and it's pretty clear what that is and how it works. Then I would possibly separate the logic for moving things by dragging to it's own option in which you can drag any item to any column without having to setup specific transitions for each.

For me, at least, that is what I expected the default behavior to be for a board like this (similar to Trello, GitKraken boards, Jetbrains Space, etc), then the rule-based transitions and automations are "above and beyond" the base functionality. They seem like they would be great to have for many scenarios, but for a solo dev who doesn't currently need to restrict what things can and cannot do since it is just me, especially right off the bat, the barrier to entry to use the board feels rather high.

I am sure I will make use of those additional features eventually as I start to build out more complex workflows, but just starting off, I just want to be able to move things back and forth as necessary.

Jerome St-Louis commented 1 year ago

We are trying to really start using the issues / kanban board functionality in OneDev. I added additional intermediate states, and added these states to the board, but I was not able to drag the cards to these new intermediate states - only to the Closed column. Is there no way at all to drag cards to other columns at the moment? Does it work with special fields? It seems that it does work as suggested in issue #592. This is not intuitive, as I would have thought that I could simply add additional states besides Open and Closed instead of introducing a new special field.

Robin Shen commented 1 year ago

You also need to add custom transition rules (issue setting / state transitions) in OneDev to tell when to transit to these states, manually or automatically.

Jerome St-Louis commented 1 year ago

@robin Do I need to set up transition rules for every value of that custom field to every other value? It would be great if we could just add extra states and start using the kanban board right away.

Robin Shen commented 1 year ago

Yes, for each state transition to another state, you need to have a transition rule defined. However you can specify multiple from states in a single transition rule.

Jerome St-Louis commented 1 year ago

@robin I had tried to set up a rule from one state to another as a test, but that didn't allow the "drag & dropping" of the card, so I gave up on states and moved on to custom fields (that have their own quirks e.g., issue #1299).

However, it seems to me like there should be an option to allow automatically being able to select a new state from the state drop box and drag cards from one state column to another without any of this tedious transition rules setup. This is the default behavior that I think most people would expect.

Robin Shen commented 1 year ago

Please let me know detail steps to reproduce the issue, such as how you define the transition rule, and how you define the issue board. A general description may not help too much, as we may have different understanding of things.

Jerome St-Louis commented 1 year ago

@robin Are you saying that it should be possible to drag issue cards between states if set up properly?

If I simply add a third state (in addition to Open and Closed, let's say Review), and then I add that Review state value to my State board. Then in Issue settings/State transitions, I had added a "From Open", "To Review", "Do Transition When State of Other issue is transited to Review" (is that the right thing?).

I could still not drag from Open to Review.

Robin Shen commented 1 year ago

You need to use the transition rule when button is pressed and specify apporpriate authorization role able to perfom this transition. This means you can manually click button to do transition, or manually drag issues from from states to to state in issue boards.

Robin Shen commented 1 year ago

If you also want to manually move issues from review to open, you should add another transition rule from `review

Robin Shen commented 1 year ago

If you also want to manually move issues from review to open, you should add another transition rule from review to open with when button is pressed rule.

Jerome St-Louis commented 1 year ago

@robin So adding a when button is pressed rule also enables the "dragging to another column" in the board? Users are not able figure that out on their own, it should say "or dragged to board column" or something.

It would be great to also have a single option to enable all the possibilities automatically (as I imagine this is what this issue was about). Although it also makes sense to think about the transition rules more carefully...

Robin Shen commented 1 year ago

Yes this is a bit unclear. Will mention this in future versions.

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