Fork a project (OD-672)
Artur opened 2 years ago

For a solid workflow using PR it would be good to have a feature, like in GitHub to fork a project, make changes and then open PR to contribute changes back to the original project.

This would allow for people to contribute code without giving them rw permissions to the original project.

Robin Shen commented 2 years ago

This is already possible:


Artur commented 2 years ago

Thanks a lot! This is super cool that it is already available. It might be a good idea to add this action to some more prominent place. I spent a while looking for it and could not find it.

Robin Shen changed state to 'Closed' 2 years ago
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Robin Shen commented 2 years ago

Will make it explicit via project dashboard

Matthias Gramberg commented 1 year ago

Thats very well hidden. I also advice a more prominent place, specifically where Github users would look like. That is in the top right corner. :)

Matthias Gramberg commented 1 year ago

And how would I fork it back?

There is no button to create a PR, and there is no dedicated workflow, that is described by Arthur.

I think doing this in line with how its done on Github, or at least intuitively seems important.

Robin Shen commented 1 year ago

You may submit pull request from forked repository. Repository fork is not occupying obvious screen estate as it is less important in a self-hosted environment.

Matthias Gramberg commented 1 year ago

Well, I am trying to establish an alternative to Codeberg.

There it matters.


Robin Shen commented 1 year ago

OneDev is primarily designed to be self-hosted, so I leave behind features such as fork, user contribution page, follow, star, which is seldomly used in self-hosted instances.

Several public instances will not change nature of OneDev.

Matthias Gramberg commented 1 year ago

Several public instances will not change nature of OneDev.

That's very sad, and a bit pre-mature, since I am sure that I can provide a way forward, that helps to attract a new users, and potentially also new devs, and ultimately money.

This though, is entirely dependend on your will for collaboration.

Considering that ticket here is comparable easy, and a more difficult one would be important, I see this idea not feasible, and that would be sad, isn't it ??

Robin Shen commented 1 year ago

I think that OneDev should be optimized for the largest usage scenarios, and hope to preserve screen estate for most used features. My obervations for our internal use (I am also working as a devops engineer in a local company) and almost all other OneDev setups is that fork/like/follow/star is seldomly used.

For public hosting, I think the most appropriate approach is dedicated hosting, that is, user is allocated a dedicated OneDev instance and manage themselves. As otherwise, you may also face problems like not able to customize issue states, connect agents, define executors, etc.

This is actually what is doing, and I know some users are using this.

Offering OneDev public service the way like codeberg will work, but will lost some customization abilities as they are assumed to be site administration tasks.

Robin Shen commented 1 year ago

Apart from this, I think there is nothing preventing you from running a public instance like codeberg do.

bufferUnderrun commented 1 year ago

OneDev is primarily designed to be self-hosted, so I leave behind features such as fork, user contribution page, follow, star, which is seldomly used in self-hosted instances.

That's the main reason why i choose OneDev and good to know it will continue.

Several public instances will not change nature of OneDev.


My obervations for our internal use (I am also working as a devops engineer in a local company) and almost all other OneDev setups is that fork/like/follow/star is seldomly used.


For public hosting, I think the most appropriate approach is dedicated hosting, that is, user is allocated a dedicated OneDev instance and manage themselves. As otherwise, you may also face problems like not able to customize issue states, connect agents, define executors, etc.

I think user providing public community instance does not understand the main use case of OneDev. When you really use all features, you know what it is for.

OneDev is not multi-tenant or a GitHub killer. If you just want to publish git repo, just use GitHub (free price, cloud, fast, easy, the most powerfull community...)

For dedicated hosting, OneDev is the best.

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