i18n including Chinese version (OD-570)
Robin Shen opened 2 years ago
No description
OneDev referenced from other issue 2 years ago
Robin Shen referenced from other issue 2 years ago
hulibin commented 2 years ago

How to switch system language? I installed it using docker.

Robin Shen commented 2 years ago

i18n is not available yet.

Marcos de Oliveira commented 2 years ago

@robin Will you integrate it with some kind of service for users that which to translate? Like Crowdin or Weblate?

Robin Shen commented 2 years ago

Thanks for the suggestion. Will certainly look into that when adding translations for other languages.

hulibin commented 2 years ago


Zihang Ye commented 2 years ago

之前在做翻译的只有我和 @robin 。我最近忙于论文已经两个月没怎么翻译了。只能希望有更多的人参与进来。 目前的问题是还在搭建基础的翻译设施。本来的文本都是直接内嵌代码中,现在需要把他们全部挖出来放到资源文件中。目测进展1/3吧。 等到这个工作结束之后,再把它翻译成其他语言就简单了。

Robin Shen commented 2 years ago

@peter-jerry-ye 感谢协助。

Robin Shen referenced from other issue 2 years ago
Connor_Zhang commented 2 years ago

@peter-jerry-ye 目前进度怎么样了?是否有可以帮忙的地方?😘

Zihang Ye commented 2 years ago

@miss85246 我大概半年没有什么进度了。主要还是像我之前说的,需要把所有的文本从代码中挖掘出来放到资源文件中。如果可以的话,欢迎来帮忙。

Robin Shen commented 2 years ago

继续之前建议先把主分支合并到 i18n 分支,主分支这半年已经更改很多了。

Connor_Zhang commented 2 years ago

@peter-jerry-ye @robin 我很乐意帮忙,只是我不懂java,我是一名Python开发:mask: ,如果你愿意带带我做一些的话,我想我是可以处理一些工作的:joy:

Robin Shen commented 2 years ago

@miss85246 非常感谢好意。这个还是需要对Java 有些了解,特别是对 OneDev 使用的 Web 框架 Wicket (apache.wicket.org) 有所了解。眼下我确实没有时间花精力在这上面。

Robin Shen changed state to 'Closed' 1 year ago
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Robin Shen commented 1 year ago

i18n will not be available due to limited resources.

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