Project wiki as in GitHub/GitLab (OD-386)
Robin Shen opened 3 years ago
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Andreas Wachter commented 1 year ago

That feature would be great 👍

Unknown commented 1 year ago

@robin We already have the build docs function of CI/CD

It needs documentation, and I did say I was going to look into it, but I have not found the time because of personal work which I have had to do.

@cooperspencer I am against this, as it would be too centralised, the current undocumented feature is more than useful, being able to pick any documentation server you like, whether it is mkdocs or docusaurus, and then a CI/CD task to deploy them to a wiki endpoint is far more powerful than having a dedicated wiki tab.

It is one of the main complaints I have against Github wikis, is that you can not properly contribute to them, and they are quite closed off and can't be rehosted elsewhere.

I like to be able to locally view documentation, which is why I maintain the onedev-docs AUR package, which allows me to view the documentation offline, I have poor mobile data so it helps a lot!

Andreas Wachter commented 1 year ago

@polarian I get where you are comong from but do not share this opinion. I like to have everything in one place and not host many different services. Also I have no bandwidth issues whatsoever

Unknown commented 1 year ago

@polarian I get where you are comong from but do not share this opinion. I like to have everything in one place and not host many different services. Also I have no bandwidth issues whatsoever

Well then, that is problematic.

I guess if the wiki feature has the ability to be disabled, then I am more than happy to see it introduced, but if it is forced on the userbase, then I would be severely disappointed, as I do not feel we should be locked into using a single platform.

Git was designed to have multiple upstreams, we should not lock the userbase into a single instance.

Also if you add the wiki feature, at least make it "better" than github/gitlab by pushing it to a special directory within the repository allowing others to submit PR's related to the wiki, it could be called something like .docs (hidden directory would be more useful so it can be ignored by most code editors)

I guess this feature would not be hard to implement, you already have markdown parsing, you just need to parse wiki related markdown and serve it a as a subpage of a repository.

Andreas Wachter commented 1 year ago

@polarian that's an awesome idea for a wiki imho. Having something like a .docs dir gives more portability for documentation in comparison to the other git hosting tools

Unknown commented 1 year ago

@polarian that's an awesome idea for a wiki imho. Having something like a .docs dir gives more portability for documentation in comparison to the other git hosting tools

@robin what do you think about this?

Robin Shen commented 1 year ago

Agree with your guys here. I don't like GitHub/GitLab way of implicit wiki repository. Either a special directory like .docs or link to a specific user specified docs project, for sake of easy contribution, and can make sure of all facilities provided by OneDev.

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