Import project from another 1dev instance (OD-324)
Artur opened 3 years ago

It would be very useful to be able to import projects from another 1dev instance. Ideally, to run such import or rather sync job periodically to have a backup instance.

This would be incredibly useful, as 1dev does not offer HA mode yet, so it would be a simplistic way to have 1dev deployed in kind of HA mode. We could have as many instances of 1dev system as we want in different clouds or GEO locations and keep them in sync. If one goes down, other can continue to serve.

Artur commented 3 years ago

For this feature I can also offer to pay/sponsor implementation.

Unknown commented 2 years ago

@kobit I suggested this in a later issue, are you still interested in this being added?

Artur commented 2 years ago

Yes, that would be very useful for reasons described above. I am still interested.

Referenced from other issue 1 year ago
Cody Robinson commented 1 week ago
Artur commented 5 days ago

I know about HA capabilities added not that long ago. This is very good news.

However, right now, I run a few independent instances, in different networks and setups. So, let's say if the whole AWS shuts down or disables our account or whatever happens, we would have a backup system.

For this scenario, such a sync capabilities would be very useful. At the moment we can sync repositories but best option would be to sync also issues. Or, maybe not really sync but just importing and keeping up to date. Because we only use one installation, others run as backups and are not used while the main one is working.

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