#322  Import project from GitLab
Artur opened 3 years ago

It would be very useful to be able to import projects - code with issues from GitLab.

Robin Shen commented 3 years ago

It is very welcomed if someone can contribute this plugin. The GitHub importing plugin can be used as an example. No any UI code is involved (OneDev generates UI code based on some simple annotations), so one does not need to know about Wicket.

OneDev changed state to 'Closed' 3 years ago
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OneDev changed state to 'Released' 3 years ago
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sujaysc commented 1 year ago

When we imported a project from gitlab.com into onedev, none of the pull requests (called merge requests in gitlab.com) seemed to be imported. Are we possibly doing something wrong or is the importing of pull requests not implemented? Would be happy to contribute some code to make this happen if I can get some helpful code pointers .

Robin Shen commented 1 year ago

Import currently only handles code and issues. I filed an improvement request as issue #1163

I will implement GitHub pull request importing first, so it will be easier for contributors to do the same for other systems.

sujaysc commented 1 year ago

ok thank you for your help @robin

sujaysc commented 1 year ago

@robin something that might be of interest to you (in case you aren't already aware). Gitlab community edition, hosted by gitlab.com, used to allow unlimited number of users in their repositories. They have announced that they plan to limit the free users to 5: Gitlab Announcement

They recently started showing a notification in their user interface informing us that they plan to make this change happen in the near future. It was this notification that got us to look into what other solutions are out there for git repo hosting / code reviews / etc. We were actually comparing the offerings of gitlab, github, and bitbucket to see which one we want to pay for, during that search we came across onedev.io and were really liked it and decided to use it.

This may have created an opportunity for onedev.io. I wonder if it might be a good idea to make it super easy for gitlab users to migrate over to onedev.io since there are probably many other teams / developers in the same boat as us who are actively doing market research.

If this were the goal, I think there are 3 things that we have encountered so far that could very easily be smoothened out with migration from gitlab.com to onedev.io:

  • migration of pull requests
  • auto generating and auto mapping issue labels that are present in gitlab.com over into onedev.com (we would go several steps into the migration UI, and realize that we need to back out and first create all the issue labels, which can then be mapped to the equivalent ones we have used in gitlab.com)
  • auto populating the gitlab.com API endpoint. (While gitlab API endpoint was not terribly difficult to find, reducing # of steps for the end-user to follow can only benefit.)

Given this, I wonder if it might make more sense for you to implement importing of gitlab pull requests first and rely on the development community to implement github pull requests. Obviously, I am completely biased here. 😃

Either way, thank you for this awesome project.

Robin Shen commented 1 year ago

Hi @sujaysc thanks for the idea. I will definitely check them when improve the importing.

However I want to mention that onedev.io is for developing OneDev itself as well as serving as a demo site. You should not put production code on this instance. Also OneDev is designed to be self-hosting, and I have no plan on providing cloud hosting with OneDev yet.

sujaysc commented 1 year ago

Ah yea, for sure. We have a self hosted version of OneDev. (We are migrating from cloud hosted gitlab.com to self hosted OneDev.) It was very easy to get it up and running. We got stuck with migration for the above-mentioned reasons. But otherwise, its great!

Matthias Gramberg commented 1 year ago

Considering the march from Github to Gitlab at the acquisition of Microsoft, the move of Blender and KDE from Phabricator and similar moves, like the recent Twitter to Mastodon story, I think its safe to say, this is a very good chance, to catch people's attention.

I think its worth to offer the transitions to open source projects directly, in case they currently do use Gitlab.

Maybe open an issue, specifically on that? Operation Moonstone ??

Robin Shen commented 1 year ago

@shalokshalom Not sure if open source projects are interested in self hosted. Posted several news in the past on HN but did not too many attentions. Maybe I am not good at marketing...

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