Hide unused/unset "Issue Links" to make UI clean (OD-1886)
wojtek opened 3 months ago

We migrated from YouTrack, which offered various types of linking types (related, duplicate, parent/child) which we mapped in 1dev. Import went OK, but the result is that all those types are visible as linking type in every issue (thus having 7 additional fields) which bloats the sidebar pointlessly:

Captura de pantalla 2024-05-08 a las 10.39.27.png

question 1: is it possible to hide unused fileds / display them only when set / choose linking type?

question 2: (if q1 is not possible) - is it possible to somehow merge all those type to single "related" type without loosing linking information so there would be only single field displayed?

Robin Shen commented 3 months ago

This is not possible currently unless deleting the issue link from global issue setting.

wojtek commented 3 months ago

But deleting link type would delete all links of that type from all issues - correct?

What about second question in this case (merging all link types)?

Robin Shen commented 3 months ago

That is right. Merging link types makes adding issue link inconvenient, and also requires major changes to the issue link UI.

wojtek commented 3 months ago

Merging link types makes adding issue link inconvenient

Could you elaborate?

Also, if it's not possible to do in the UI, would it be possible to convert all links to single type (update on the database?) and then remove redundant types?

Robin Shen commented 3 months ago

Could you elaborate?

I mean it may need to expand link types to add specific link.

Also, if it's not possible to do in the UI, would it be possible to convert all links to single type (update on the database?) and then remove redundant types?

Different link type has different characteristics (uni/bi directional, different names on different sides). I do not think it is possible to convert different links to single type, without lossing major info.

wojtek commented 3 months ago

Could you elaborate?

I mean it may need to expand link types to add specific link.

Are you referring to the UI display (i.e. single "link" section with differen types)? It may be a bit more inconvenient but then we end up in situation where you can have variety of options/possibilities (and cluttered UI) OR simple UI and limited linking options.

I think that simple button "Link" that would open a dropdown with link type and then field to search linking issue wouldn't be that inconvenient but would offer cleaned UI.

Similarly, displaying only existing links instead of empty fields would make the UI cleaner.

Also, if it's not possible to do in the UI, would it be possible to convert all links to single type (update on the database?) and then remove redundant types?

Different link type has different characteristics (uni/bi directional, different names on different sides). I do not think it is possible to convert different links to single type, without lossing major info.

Considering that having "major info" results in cluttered UI I would be ok with just simple "related" type making simple-bi-directional-link and nothing else...

Robin Shen changed title 3 months ago
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Hide unused/unset "Issue Links" (or merge existing types?)
Hide unused/unset "Issue Links" to make UI clean
Robin Shen changed fields 3 months ago
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Robin Shen commented 3 months ago

Converted as an improvement request to rework issue link UI to make it less clutter.

wojtek commented 3 months ago

Thank you, much appreciated.

Oleksandr Nikitin commented 2 months ago

Count me in as the one who strongly prefers the existing OneDev UI compared to YouTrack/JIRA in this case.

E.g. there are some links that should exist for most issues and it was hard to make it stick as a routine when there's no visual reminder that the link is missing, and the empty link field is a perfect one.

An example of such link type is "components affected by the fix that need to be re-tested"

We use a special issue type for the components instead of multipe choice fields because they don't have comments etc. Also it makes it easy to check which issues affect a particular component.

However, I agree that with many link types the UI becomes a bit cluttered. Personally, I solved this by hacking CSS to make the list more compact and reduce the height of the items.

Maybe this could be made into an option? (which link types are always visible on which issue types)

wojtek commented 2 months ago

@wizzard0 Interesting use case indeed.

Maybe this could be made into an option? (which link types are always visible on which issue types)

Maybe an option in link configuration making them obligatory?

Oleksandr Nikitin commented 2 months ago

Maybe an option in link configuration making them obligatory?

Well they are not obligatory as such... eg there are "Affected Untested" and "Affected Tested" components, and initially there is 0 Affected Tested components, and zero Affected Untested after they all have been, well, tested.

But I can definitely see how a similar "always visible" option + a link type selector can free up screen space with many link types, sure.

Robin Shen commented 2 months ago

Thanks for all the input. Will take into account when work on this improvment.

OneDev changed state to 'Closed' 2 months ago
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OneDev commented 2 months ago

State changed as code fixing the issue is committed (477d49cd)

OneDev changed state to 'Released' 2 months ago
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OneDev commented 2 months ago

State changed as build OD-5144 is successful

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