User mention works abnormally after quoted multiple lines from previous comments (OD-1828)
Jonas opened 4 months ago

Quoting a longer Text and trying to ping a collegue under the quoted text adds the autocompleted name inside the quoted text, instead of behind the @ sign.

If you for example quote this issue text, and then write @Jo and use autocompletion (tab/enter/...) for @jonasstettin the nasstettin is added inside the quoted block.

Only happened in Issues to me yet, seems to work fine in Pullrequests.

Also when theres not enough quoted text for the issue to happen above, under some cicumstances the last letter you entered before hitting enter is added behind the referenced name, seperated by a space

Edit: When pasting images straight into the textbox below quoted Text, parts of the "loading file" will not be removed when upload is complete either (e.g. [img]oading file...]) Sometimes the pasted image is pasted inside the quoted text as well.

Jonas commented 4 months ago

Sorry Johannes for the unintended ping

Robin Shen changed title 4 months ago
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Autocompletion of colleagues (@Robin...) adds the autocompleted text at the wrong position if there is multiple quoted lines above
User mention works abnormally after quoted multiple lines from previous comments
OneDev changed state to 'Closed' 4 months ago
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OneDev commented 4 months ago

State changed as code fixing the issue is committed (afad8054)

OneDev changed state to 'Released' 4 months ago
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OneDev commented 4 months ago

State changed as build #4853 is successful

Jonas commented 4 months ago

@robin Thanks, that seems to have fixed it.

One issue seems to remain though: The text-inputbox scrolls to the position the name was added before your fix, instead of leaving the scollposition untouched. (No big deal, since typing scrolls you back to where the cursor is)

Robin Shen commented 4 months ago

Thanks for reporting this issue. Will be addressed in next patch release.

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