Ability to restrict users to specific package (OD-1818)
Cody Robinson opened 4 months ago

Since packages were introduced, we started using OneDev for our package management and used the API to create Guest Users with a specific group, and a specific role to only allow viewing of packages.

However, for each customer, we have a user that pulls updated packages when we release them. I would like the ability to limit by package version ex: 2.3.x or <=2.3

Robin Shen commented 4 months ago

However, for each customer, we have a user that pulls updated packages when we release them. I would like the ability to limit by package version ex: 2.3.x or <=2.3

Not quite understand the situation. Can you please elaborate?

Cody Robinson commented 4 months ago


Specific users should only have access, based on the roll to specific docker packages.

ex: User1 can only access package app:1.0.0 User2 can access 1.0.0 and 2.0.0

Robin Shen commented 4 months ago

This will be very complex. I'd suggest to publish different package versions to different projects so that you can use project specific access control.

Robin Shen commented 4 months ago

Want to mention that you may also publish same package version to multiple projects for access control purpose if desired. They will share same blob storage without extra disk space.

Robin Shen changed state to 'Closed' 4 months ago
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