.onedev-buildspec.yml automatic update fails (OD-1728)
ch-ld opened 6 months ago

version: 9.7.0 Every time you submit the code, it will be displayed : Revision indexing in progress... (search in this revision will be accurate after indexed)

Just click Build and it will run normally without any errors.

ch-ld commented 6 months ago


Click Build directly like this

ch-ld commented 6 months ago


Automatically trigger display of this

After the indexing is completed, the previous build records cannot be seen. image_3.png

Robin Shen commented 6 months ago

Do you mean that whenever code is submitted. The builds showing besides branch are cleared? This is expected behavior as only builds corresponding to head commit of the branch is displayed.

ch-ld commented 6 months ago

not cleared, After submitting the code release history, you will no longer see it. If you click Build manually, you can see the previous build history.

Currently, after submitting the code, the automatic build will not be triggered, and you must click it manually.

ch-ld commented 6 months ago

Editing the code on the onedev console and submitting can trigger automatic build and build normally. Submitting with shell or git tools will not trigger the build, and Revision indexing in progress... (search in this revision will be accurate after indexed) is displayed.

They are all operated under the same branch.

Robin Shen commented 6 months ago

It works at my side, can you please create a test project on this OneDev instance demonstrating the issue?

ch-ld commented 6 months ago

I just upgraded the version to 10.0.0 and the problem seems to have gone away.

Robin Shen changed state to 'Closed' 6 months ago
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