Issue: Include custom field on issue open conditionally (OD-1656)
jbauer opened 8 months ago

When editing a custom field, in this case Assignee, you have the option to

  • show field conditionally
  • define a default value via groovy script, in my case the current user
  • include field on issue open

In my issue workflow newly opened issues do not have an assignee. So show field conditionally and Include field on issue open have been deactivated.

Now I have an issue type called Task and if I create a new issue of type Task I want to ask for an assignee. So I edited the Assignee custom field and activated show field conditionally using rule Type is any of Task and also activated include field on issue open.

However that causes all kinds of unwanted side effects. While the UI when creating a new issue looks the way I want to (it does not ask for assignee unless I choose issue type Task), OneDev always adds the default assignee to the issue, even is the assignee field is not shown in the UI for other issue types. So newly created issues of type Feature are now suddenly automatically assigned to the issue reporter as the groovy script for the default value is executed.

Also in the issue list and issue board the assignee is now always hidden unless the issue is of type Task.

So I reverted the configuration.

I think what OneDev is missing is a condition rule assigned to the include field on issue open open so I can tell OneDev to only ask for the assignee field for specific issue types. If the condition is false it should behave the same as if include field on issue open is deactivated.

jbauer changed title 8 months ago
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Issue: Include custom field on issue open condionally
Issue: Include custom field on issue open conditionally
Robin Shen changed state to 'Closed' 7 months ago
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Robin Shen commented 7 months ago

This is closed as current behavior is by design, and works as expected.

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