Any way to make a project truly private? (OD-1631)
Tim opened 9 months ago

Hello! I have a couple of private projects on my onedev instance but they still show up if you view them as an anonymous user. You can see that only the repository "minecraft-economy-parser" is public as it actually shows it has files:

Any anonymous user sees this when they open a private project:

They have the following permissions (aptly named nothing because they have no permissions for private projects):

How do I make it so that these projects arent viewable for anonymous users? I bet it will create a lot of confusion for them to see the projects but them being empty.

Thanks in advance for your reply

Robin Shen commented 9 months ago

Please check if any ancestor project has default role allowing to access them. If not, check the default login group in administration / security setting.

Tim commented 9 months ago

Hello thanks for your reply!

The root projects all have the default role set at the same Nothing role:
As per suggestion, I have made a new group as the default with the following settings:

However when I go on an incognito tab I can still see all the projects:

I did some further testing myself and interestingly enough if I make a project that has no default role it doesn't show up anywhere and is truly private. But once I said the role to "nothing" it appears as an empty project again:

Is this intentional behaviour? I guess it's fixed from my part because I can set it as no default role for now but I'm wondering if this is a bug

Robin Shen commented 9 months ago

This is expected behavior. When a project is associated with a role, it will get minimum permission which is issue browsing and opening. Since your projects do not have issues, it displays nothing.

Robin Shen changed state to 'Closed' 9 months ago
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ZhuangYumin changed state to 'Open' 6 months ago
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ZhuangYumin commented 6 months ago

However, it seems that a child project cannot be set as "no default role", so a public project cannot have a truly private child project by setting the role to nothing. Is there any way to make a child project truly private?

ZhuangYumin commented 6 months ago

After clicking the "X", the default role will be set to "Inherit from parent" 屏幕截图 2024-01-29 221453.png 屏幕截图 2024-01-29 221532.png

Robin Shen commented 6 months ago

This is expected behavior. The effective permissions of a project is union of permissions from all sources, including inherited and self-defined.

Robin Shen commented 6 months ago

So it is impossible to make a child private if any of its parent is public.

ZhuangYumin commented 6 months ago

So it is impossible to make a child private if any of its parent is public.

Is it possible to add some methods to easily and freely set a project as truly private in future versions?

Robin Shen commented 6 months ago

I am afraid this may not be implemented in the near future, as many tree operations in OneDev are based on this assumption.

Robin Shen changed state to 'Closed' 6 months ago
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