Option to disable Issue management for projects (OD-148)
Michael Weimann opened 4 years ago

For some projects I don't want to have an issue tracking.
This could be the case if I use another project as "issue aggregator" or an external tool.

Just telling people "You opened the issue in the wrong project (again)." does not work in the long run.
Users do not understand it and get frustrated.

Michael Weimann commented 4 years ago

@robin I can take this one as it is very urgent for me.

That would be my plan:

  • A checkbox in the general project setting whether to enable issue tracking for the project
    • Default: enabled
  • If disabled:
    • Hide the "Issues" menu item in the project view
    • Hide the project in the new issue project select drop-down

Are there any other places?

Robin Shen commented 4 years ago

This is all of the place I can think of right now.

Michael Weimann commented 4 years ago

@robin I started working on this.

I have a question: How can I make the checkbox appear in the project settings.

In my opinion the actual setting should be stored in ProjectIssueSetting. It looks like the form fields are generated based on annotations inside the model and the properties list here.

Can I just add a new field to the form? Or should I set the issue settings by delegating methods in Project?

Robin Shen commented 4 years ago

I think putting the setting directly into project class is appropriate. As ProjectIssueSetting contains all issue specific settings after when it is enabled.

Robin Shen commented 4 years ago

Also make sure that:

  1. Disable project issue setting tab
  2. Turn off issue by default for forked project (even if issue of source project is turned on)
OneDev changed state to 'Closed' 4 years ago
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Michael Weimann commented 4 years ago

@robin could you please set the milestone for this issue?
Then there will be a clean changelog.

Robin Shen changed iterations 4 years ago
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OneDev changed state to 'Released' 4 years ago
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Referenced from commit 1 day ago
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