Collecting testimonials (OD-1473)
Robin Shen opened 1 year ago

Dear users,

We are collecting testimonials of OneDev. If you have something to say about the product and support, please send to

Thank you!

bufferUnderrun commented 1 year ago

Sure i will. Send you by mail in a few days

Robin Shen commented 1 year ago

@bufferunderrun that is great! Thanks!

Robin Shen commented 12 months ago

@bufferunderrun got time for this?

bufferUnderrun commented 12 months ago

I was waiting my company to accept publishing it name. So it agrees.

What length do you want ?

Robin Shen commented 12 months ago

Around 100 words will be fine. Thanks for your help!

bufferUnderrun commented 12 months ago


bufferUnderrun commented 11 months ago

don't forget to ping me when your new website will be online. I will make some backlink

Robin Shen commented 11 months ago

@bufferunderrun yes of course

Robin Shen commented 11 months ago

@bufferunderrun the new web site is online now together with an enterprise edition subscription option.

Robin Shen commented 11 months ago
bufferUnderrun commented 11 months ago


Daniel Kollmannsberger commented 11 months ago

I would write you one too!

Robin Shen commented 11 months ago

@craftoncu thanks in advance!

Daniel Kollmannsberger commented 11 months ago

@craftoncu thanks in advance!

Should I send it via email? & whats your mail address?

Robin Shen commented 11 months ago

@craftoncu please send to [robin AT onedev DOT io]. Thank you!

Robin Shen changed title 8 months ago
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Collecting testimonials of OneDev
Dear user, please help to write some testimonials of OneDev if it helps you
Robin Shen changed title 8 months ago
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Dear user, please help to write some testimonials of OneDev if it helps you
Dear users, please help to write some testimonials of OneDev if it helps you
Robin Shen changed title 8 months ago
Previous Value Current Value
Dear users, please help to write some testimonials of OneDev if it helps you
Collecting testimonials of OneDev
Robin Shen changed title 5 months ago
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Collecting testimonials of OneDev
Collecting testimonials
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