Webhook from external CI system to receive build status (OD-1385)
Magnus Ericmats opened 1 year ago

Is there an API for signaling build status from external CI systems, i.e. Jenkins? (As we are heavily invested in Jenkins we can't switch to OneDev Builds)

Robin Shen commented 1 year ago

No such api yet. What is the purpose of such build status?

Magnus Ericmats commented 1 year ago

We would like to use Jenkins as a CI system, instead of the inbuilt one (which I would prefer to use, but as I mentioned, we are heavily invested in Jenkins and can't fully switch to OneDev at the moment).

I think what we would like to have is Jenkins as

  1. a default reviewer of pull requests, marking pull requests as "Approved/Disapproved" and
  2. a builder of merged branches, such as master and release branches.
Robin Shen commented 1 year ago

Thanks for the info.

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