Mattermost Integration - Embedded Chat (OD-1203)
Matthias Gramberg opened 1 year ago

You probably know Mattermost, a free and open source communication platform, that is targeted at developers, and considered to be a Slack alternative.

On order to avoid context switching, and to interact dynamically between support chats, community conversations, and actual issues, I do suggest to make it possible to interact between Mattermost and OneDev.

Possibly with a plugin. :)

Unknown commented 1 year ago

@shalokshalom I do not want to be the bringer of bad news.

Integrations are slow to be added, see issue #972 which is still yet to be implemented (I am going to do it but you get the point).

This is a good idea though, so +1 from me :)

Matthias Gramberg commented 1 year ago

Yeah, sure

I was not expecting that to be delivered at all Its a significant amount of work :)

Robin Shen commented 1 year ago

I may not look into this very soon. But such backlog issues will help me understanding what real world users want to have.

Matthias Gramberg commented 1 year ago

Thanks to let me know about the Docker compose method.

I will look into that.

No, GraalVM offers many benefits, Native Image does not make sense in this case.

It improves startup time and memory consumption, but it also reduces peak performance.

Native image would not make much sense, for a long running application like native image. ☺️

Language interoperability is what I am looking for.

Robin Shen commented 1 year ago

@shalokshalom you may try with GraalVM to see if it works with OneDev. You will need to run OneDev in bare metal mode and point JVM (property in conf/wrapper.conf) to GraalVM

Unknown commented 1 year ago

@shalokshalom I am a little confused why you have posted the same comment multiple times :/

Unknown commented 1 year ago

Also you are giving GraalVM a lot of credit, the VM itself is not much of a difference to any other JVM, such as adoptium. A lot of JVMs support faster startup times by caching the JVM bytecode on disk.

It feels like it is being crammed down our neck right now, I get it you like to use it, but Onedev needs to satisfy more than one person...

Matthias Gramberg commented 1 year ago

@shalokshalom I am a little confused why you have posted the same comment multiple times :/

It seems my phone bugged out, as I have written it.

You can see this on the first sentence, that talks about Docker compose.

This is a reference to another issue.

Matthias Gramberg commented 1 year ago

Also you are giving GraalVM a lot of credit, the VM itself is not much of a difference to any other JVM, such as adoptium. A lot of JVMs support faster startup times by caching the JVM bytecode on disk.

It feels like it is being crammed down our neck right now, I get it you like to use it, but Onedev needs to satisfy more than one person...

For that that you seem to feel, its crammed down anyones neck - you dont need to use it - you understood very less about it.

It's not just a JVM, it has a framework next to it, that has the highest ratio of implementation effort to productive result, of any language implementation method I know.

Truffle, if you have missed that. And you dont need to use it, as said. OneDev also doesn't need to fulfill anyones needs, it's free to do as it will.

Unknown commented 1 year ago

Also you are giving GraalVM a lot of credit, the VM itself is not much of a difference to any other JVM, such as adoptium. A lot of JVMs support faster startup times by caching the JVM bytecode on disk.

It feels like it is being crammed down our neck right now, I get it you like to use it, but Onedev needs to satisfy more than one person...

For that that you seem to feel, its crammed down anyones neck - you dont need to use it - you understood very less about it.

It's not just a JVM, it has a framework next to it, that has the highest ratio of implementation effort to productive result, of any language implementation method I know.

Truffle, if you have missed that. And you dont need to use it, as said. OneDev also doesn't need to fulfill anyones needs, it's free to do as it will.

This is very offtopic now, I am not going to continue this conversation.

Back on topic, if I get round to actually completing issue #972, then I might work on this :)

Robin Shen changed state to 'Closed' 7 months ago
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