Limit number of comments to load (OD-1105)
Unknown opened 2 years ago

Could you add a feature where you limit the number of comments to display to 50-100, issue #1041 is growing huge, which isn't bad because a lot of relavent things are being discussed, but it is becoming difficult to keep track and reply as every time I have to scroll through 100+ messages.

It would also allow faster loading of pages!

Robin Shen commented 2 years ago

Good suggestion!

Unknown commented 2 years ago

A much needed suggestion xD

I don't think you expected to have a chatterbox like me appear

Robin Shen commented 2 years ago

This is one benefit of dogfooding. Use your product yourself and you will find where it needs to be improved.

Unknown commented 2 years ago

True, and also github sucks!

OneDev referenced from other issue 2 years ago
Robin Shen referenced from other issue 1 year ago
Unknown commented 1 year ago

@robin Not to rush you but this feature would be incredibly useful, its becoming harder and harder to keep track of issues on this repository because of how long they are becoming, and unless I have already commented there, I do not get emailed a link to jump me to the bottom.

Jerome St-Louis commented 1 year ago

If I could throw my 2 cents somewhat pushing back against this, I find it incredibly annoying when I have to click a "Load more" (even more so if it appears hidden in the middle of the issue page, as on GitHub).

This prevents using Ctrl-F to find something relevant in the current issue.

I already find this annoying in the Kanban board that I cannot find things in the issue # and titles because the list are not fully loaded until you scroll.

Unknown commented 1 year ago

If I could throw my 2 cents somewhat pushing back against this, I find it incredibly annoying when I have to click a "Load more" (even more so if it appears hidden in the middle of the issue page, as on GitHub).

This prevents using Ctrl-F to find something relevant in the current issue.

I already find this annoying in the Kanban board that I cannot find things in the issue # and titles because the list are not fully loaded until you scroll.

Ok, so lets say there is 1000 comments within an issue, the time it would take the server to return all them comments would kill it for first, which is a reason why you limit the return values to specific size.

Secondly, to address this issue, why not just add a option to toggle the number of messages to load? 50 per page, 100 per page, all in one page for example.

Robin Shen commented 1 year ago

I do not want to optimize too early. Currently OneDev has no problem loading many comments. If you want to jump to latest comment quickly, just use cmd-down

Jerome St-Louis commented 1 year ago

@polarian Option to select number of messages to load per page would be good, but I think the defaults should be on both a server and user preference setting.

Servers don't need to die to serve even millions of comments, they can be processed in the background and sent to the client whenever they are ready.

On Linux/Windows, you can use Ctrl-End to go to the end of the page :)

jbauer commented 1 year ago

Paging is nice (except for browser based search) but still you need to scroll to the bottom once a page fills up.

What about taking the issue description out of the activities stream and put it above the stream as a real dedicated issue description. Currently it visually looks like the first comment but it is not, it is the issue description. With the issue description removed from the activities stream OneDev could add a sort option so that a user could reverse the ordering of the activities stream and see new comments at the top rather than at the bottom.

So it is like

Issue title
Issue descripion

Activities (right aligned: sort up / down, filter activity types)
list of comments

Maybe adding an activity filter to only see unread comments + the latest read comment before all the unread comments would also help. So if you have

1. read
49. read
50. read
51. unread
52. read
53. read
54. unread
... // all unread
60. unread

That filter would only show 50 to 60.

Jerome St-Louis commented 1 year ago

@jbauer I agree that a better separation of the description from the activity stream, and being able to reverse the order would be nice.

Though I dislike paging in general, I particularly distake the load more on GitHub in the middle of the comments, since one does not know from the top or the bottom that comments are hidden.

jbauer commented 1 year ago

@jbauer I agree that a better separation of the description from the activity stream, and being able to reverse the order would be nice.

Though I dislike paging in general, I particularly distake the load more on GitHub in the middle of the comments, since one does not know from the top or the bottom that comments are hidden.

Yeah but at some point paging is required. Otherwise database, app server and/or web browser (think of mobile also) will be mad. Having a load more button in the middle of the comment stream makes sense to me because you will first see the issue description and the first, likely important comments. Finally you see the most recent comments. So I can understand why Github did it that way.

If you have pagination you also need search/filter (not the crtl + f search) for that list.

Robin Shen changed state to 'Closed' 7 months ago
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