Able to view jupyter notebook file in source view (OD-1075)
eric opened 2 years ago

Hello, everyone,I'm new to onedev, and I use docker to deploy ondev, everything is okey, but I just want to know how to render jupyter notebook? does it need to convertor like 'nbconvet' to convert html from jupyter notebook?

Robin Shen commented 2 years ago

I am not familiar with jupyter notebook, but I guess it has some ready to use docker image inside which you can run some command to convert notebooks to html.

I am doing something similar for It is published from a docusaurus project:

Robin Shen changed state to 'Closed' 2 years ago
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Unknown commented 2 years ago

@robin I believe what @eric was asking was whether would render jupyter notebooks. You can find more information about them here:

Here is a screenshot from wikipedia which highlights its functions: image.png

It allows you to be able to make notes of sorts, but also to execute code, it can contain codeblocks or markdown.

Eric please confirm if this was what you were asking :)

Michal Pekar commented 1 year ago

I belive the problem is slightly diferent. The Jupyter notebook file is actuall an xml file with parts of python code and results in many different formats. It thing the original request is not about publishing it in html, but make it readable. By example gitlab allows to render notebook source code into readable page. So I think one possible solution is to use custom source code renderer to show selected file. Maybe button "View as ..." will be nice.

Michal Pekar changed state to 'Open' 1 year ago
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Michal Pekar commented 1 year ago

Adding custom source code renderers and button "view as ..." will be super solution for all similar problems.

Robin Shen changed title 1 year ago
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How to Render jupyter notebook?
Able to view jupyter notebook file in source view
Robin Shen changed fields 1 year ago
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