Integrated npm registry (OD-10)
Robin Shen opened 5 years ago

Having an npm/nuget registry externally is tedious just more places and accounts to keep track of, So having it integrated will truly be a relief.

bufferUnderrun commented 4 years ago

Hi, I don't understand this ticket. Could tout explain a little more as i use nuget for my dotnet project. Maybe i will learn some new stuff.


Robin Shen commented 4 years ago

With built-in NuGet repository, OneDev will be able to reproduce any binary files by rerun corresponding build jobs. Also it is possible to analyze project dependency easily to do some interesting things such as running all projects using a library when a library is changed, etc.

bufferUnderrun commented 4 years ago

I've finally setup onedev to do CI/CD with jobs, very powerfull !!

I better understand the nature of your ticket : i'm building dotnet projects with many nuget packages dependencies. In my build job, i run command "nuget restore %SRC_BUILD_SOLUTION%" which take a long time, approx 2min to retrieve all packages. Many of theses packages are used by other projects of mine.

I assume with a nuget repository, onedev could retrieve localy and do some caching to reduce this time ?

Robin Shen commented 4 years ago

Performance is one reason, but the main reason is to provide better integration experience including:

  1. OneDev can easily know which job is used to generate an artifact, and can recreate it exactly when it is missing.
  2. Compare artifacts versions to get source/issue level changes
  3. OneDev can easily know dependencies between different projects, and can then auto-trigger jobs of downstream projects to verify dependency changes
Daniel commented 8 months ago

@robin Would really appreciate this feature!

Any chance that it can be developed soon?

Robin Shen commented 8 months ago

Want to mention that all package features will be part of EE edition. If you are interested, I will schedue to implement it after delivering the docker registry feature.

Robin Shen batch edited 8 months ago
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Enterprise Edition
Robin Shen changed title 8 months ago
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npm/nuget registry
npm registry
Robin Shen changed title 8 months ago
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npm registry
Integrated npm registry
Robin Shen commented 8 months ago

Moved nuget registry support to a separate issue (#1661)

Robin Shen added to iteration "9.5.0" 7 months ago
OneDev changed state to 'Closed' 7 months ago
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OneDev commented 7 months ago

State changed as code fixing the issue is committed (4726005eb3bd038b0c838dad2a687209defe7524)

OneDev changed state to 'Released' 7 months ago
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OneDev commented 7 months ago

State changed as build #4488 is successful

Robin Shen changed fields 6 months ago
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