5-minute Quickstart --- 1. Run below command on Linux/Mac to start OneDev in docker mode: ``` docker run --tty --rm -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock -v $(pwd)/onedev:/opt/onedev -p 6610:6610 -p 6611:6611 1dev/server ``` If you want to try on Windows machine, please follow the [bare metal installation guide](run-on-bare-metal-machine.md) 1. Point your browser to `http://localhost:6610` to set up OneDev. In system setting page, just use suggested server url (`http://localhost:6610`) 1. From OneDev projects page, add a project _my-app_ 1. Run below command from your terminal to create a react application: ``` npx create-react-app my-app ``` 1. Change into directory _my-app_, and run below command to push code to OneDev: ``` git remote add origin http://localhost:6610/my-app git push origin master:master ``` When prompted for authentication, input administrator user name and password specified above 1. Visit files page of project _my-app_ from OneDev, click link _add build spec_ to bring up the GUI to add build specification. For typical projects, OneDev suggests default job templates like below: ![Add Job Wizard](../images/add-job-wizard.png) 1. Just use the default template, and save the spec. Now you will see that a CI build is running: ![After Add Ci Job](../images/after-add-ci-job.png) 1. Congrats! You've finished the tutorial. Continue to check [more tutorials](tutorials.md) if you are interested.