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Deploy into Kubernetes Cluster


  1. Select desired OneDev release and download k8s-resources.zip
  2. Unzip the file, change into directory production, change node selectors, memory setting and disk setting if necessary, and run command kubectl apply -k .
  3. OneDev resources will be created under namespace onedev. Wait a while for pods in this namespace to be up and running. Then run below command to get external ip address of onedev service:
kubectl get service onedev -n onedev

Onedev Service External Ip

Now you can visit http://<external-ip> to access OneDev


  • Besides creating resources in namespace onedev, a cluster role onedev and associated cluster role binding onedev will be created in default namespace. This is necessary as OneDev needs to be granted some cluster-wide permissions to run builds as pods. For details, please check file base/cluster-roles.yaml
  • OneDev will create two persistent volume claims, one to store MySQL database files, and another to store OneDev data including repositories. The actual place of these volumes varies depending on your Kubernetes cluster config. On Google Kubernetes Engine, they will be created as Google persistent disks
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