#813  State transition UI can become very confusing
jbauer opened 2 years ago

When you have projects that represent

  • customer apps
  • internal apps
  • internal libraries

you might want different workflows for each of the above categories with various complexity levels. In that case the current UI for state transitions is very confusing because it shows a list of all rules affecting all projects and only shows the transition information. If you want to edit some rule there is no chance to find the correct one without checking several similar rules in order to find the one you are interested in.

There is also issue #447 which asks about overrides on project level. I figure that project level filters in the applicable issues field are the most common ones and might be modeled separately from the applicable issues field. For example if OneDev would have applicable projects and applicable issues fields it could use the information in applicable projects to display a far more organized overview of state transitions by computing the effective ruleset for projects.

For example if all rules do not have any applicable projects the ruleset table has a headline All projects. If you have some rules that use Project is X or Project is Y you could display ruleset tables for Project A and Project B in addition to the All Projects table to show the effective rules for these projects. While the UI then displays more stuff and the page is likely longer you quickly see project based exceptions from the default workflow. I hope you understand what I mean.

Robin Shen commented 2 years ago

Instead of adding a separate applicable projects which is apparently duplicates with project criteria in issue query, reorganize state transition table to show applicable issues will be a more reasonable approach.

OneDev changed state to 'Closed' 2 years ago
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OneDev commented 2 years ago

State changed as code fixing the issue is committed

OneDev changed state to 'Released' 2 years ago
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OneDev commented 2 years ago

State changed as build #2827 is successful

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