Revision indexing in progress... (symbol navigation in revisions will be accurate after indexed)
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    skipped 43 lines
    44 44   - mvn -Dmaven.test.skip=true -Dmaven.deploy.password=@secrets:maven-deploy-password@
    45 45   deploy
    46 46   - ''
    47  - - curl -u onedev:@secrets:maven-deploy-password@ -f -d \@/root/.m2/archetype-catalog.xml
     47 + - curl -u onedev:@secrets:maven-deploy-password@ -f -d @@/root/.m2/archetype-catalog.xml
    48 48   -X PUT ""
    49 49   - ''
    50 50   - cd $projectDir/server-product/docker
    skipped 23 lines
    74 74   artifacts: '*.zip *.sh'
    75 75   reports:
    76 76   - !JobMarkdownReport
    77  - filePatterns: doc/**
    78 77   reportName: Incompatibilities
     78 + filePatterns: doc/**
    79 79   startPage: doc/
    80 80   cpuRequirement: 250m
    81 81   memoryRequirement: 128m
    skipped 17 lines
    99 99   image: alpine/git:1.0.7
    100 100   commands:
    101 101   - git config --global --unset http.extraHeader
    102  - - git push -f https://robinshine:@secrets:github-token@\
     102 + - git push -f
    103 103   HEAD:main
    104 104   triggers:
    105 105   - !BranchUpdateTrigger
    skipped 13 lines
    119 119   - set -e
    120 120   - git fetch --tags
    121 121   - git config --global --unset http.extraHeader
    122  - - git push -f --tags https://robinshine:@secrets:github-token@\
     122 + - git push -f --tags
    123 123   triggers:
    124 124   - !TagCreateTrigger
    125 125   projects: onedev-server
    skipped 12 lines
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