Revision indexing in progress... (symbol navigation in revisions will be accurate after indexed)
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    skipped 22 lines
    23 23   height: 40px;
    24 24  }
    25 25  .issue-activities>table>tbody>tr>td.avatar .avatar.system-avatar {
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    27  - height: 46px;
    28  - margin-left: -3px;
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    38 38   margin-left: 2rem;
    39 39   min-width: 256px;
    40 40  }
    41  - 
     41 +.issue-boards>.head .milestone-selector.btn-danger {
     42 + background-color: var(--danger) !important;
     43 + border-color: var(--danger) !important;
     44 +}
     45 +.issue-boards>.head .milestone-selector.btn-danger:hover,
     46 +.issue-boards>.head .milestone-selector.btn-danger:focus {
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     48 + border-color: #EE2D41 !important;
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    44 52  }
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    63 71   display: none;
    64 72  }
    65 73   
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  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    skipped 21 lines
    22 22   width: 40px;
    23 23   height: 40px;
    24 24  }
     25 +.pull-request-detail>.card-body>.main>.activities .activity>td.avatar .avatar.system-avatar {
     26 + width: 44px;
     27 + height: 44px;
     28 + margin-left: -2px;
     29 + opacity: 75%;
     30 +}
     31 + 
    25 32  .pull-request-detail>.card-body>.main>.activities .activity>td.content {
    26 33   padding-left: 1.25rem;
    27 34  }
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